Adult and Juvenile Court Diversion is a restorative justice alternative to the traditional criminal justice approach. It is a program for individuals who are able to acknowledge accountability for the actions that led to their being cited for a criminal offense. All cases are referred by the Office of the State’s Attorney.
Participants are given the opportunity to examine the impact of their actions on others as well as themselves and to propose steps to address the harm caused by those actions. Participants also have an opportunity to address and seek support for underlying issues that may have contributed to their decisions and actions. The panel’s that meet with participant’s are staffed by volunteers and meet once a month for two hours. Most panels see two participants. Parties impacted by the participants actions are given an opportunity to participate to the degree that they are comfortable and sometimes attend the panels to address the participants or volunteers. Often these interactions produce unintended positive results.
Participants who complete the program have their charges dismissed and if they are able to avoid a criminal charge in the two years following dismissal their criminal record for the referred charge is expunged.
If you would like more information about volunteering with the Adult and Juvenile Court Diversion Program, please contact Patrick Fleming at or 802 257 0361 extension 155.